Zhiyong Song


Zhiyong Song

Title: Professor, Postgraduate Supervisor, Doctoral Supervisor


Research Fields: Modern History of Sino-Japanese Relations History of Japanese Politics and Diplomacy


Department: Japanese History and Culture Research Department/Japanese Politics and Foreign Relations Research Department


Administrative responsibilities: Director of National and Regional Research Bases, Ministry of Education


E-MAIL: jyz@nankai.edu


Phone: 022-23505186


Academic part-time jobs: Deputy Secretary of the Chinese Society of Japan (Executive Director), Secretary of the Chinese Society of Japanese History (Executive Director), Director of the Society of History of Sino-Japanese Relations, Member of the Japanese Education Expert Group of the Ministry of Education.


1. Resume

1985, graduated from the Department of Foreign Languages of Nankai University, majoring in Japanese.

1988, graduated from the Graduate School of Japanese History at the Institute of History of Nankai University.

From 1996 to 2000, served as the second secretary of the Chinese Embassy in Japan. Since 2000, successively engaged in research work in the Japanese Research Center of Nankai University and the Japanese Research Institute of Nankai University.


The main research achievements


(1) Works, compilations, translations


The History of Modern Japan's Relations with China (co-authored), World Knowledge Press, 2010.

The Current Situation and Development of Humanities and Social Sciences in Japan (co-author), China Social Sciences Press, 2003.

Japan's Colonial Rule in China Before the War (co-author), Tianjin People's Publishing House, 1996.

r of The Rise and Fall of the Japanese Empire(co-author), World Knowledge Press, 1996.


Institutional Changes in East Asia in the Era of Globalization (Editor-in-Chief) Tianjin People's Publishing House, 2011

Education Reform and Exchange in East Asia (Editor-in-Chief), Tianjin People's Publishing House, 2006

Globalization and East Asian Politics and Administrative Reform (Editor-in-Chief), Tianjin People's Publishing House, 2003

A Dictionary of Characters in the Chinese Anti-Japanese War, (co-edited) Tianjin University Press 1999

Japanese History Dictionary (co-edited) Fudan University Press 1992


Tokyo TrialWar ResponsibilitiesPostwar Responsibilities, CQ Press, 2009

Mao Zedong-Revolutionary and Constructor, (translated by) China Youth Publishing House, 2004

The Opium War between Japan and China, Tianjin People's Publishing House, 1995


(2) Thesis

Research on the Joint History of China and Japan and Several Issues of Japan's China Policy after the September 18th Incident, Research on the War of Resistance Against Japan, 2011, 2

The Chinese Communist Partys Policy towards Japan in the past 90 years since its founding Nankai Journal 2011, 2

War Criminal Trial, Historical Understanding, National Reconciliation Research on Historical Theories 2011, 1

The Evolution of East Asian International Relations in the Early 20th Century Journal of Nanchang Hangkong University 2011, 1

International Relations between Japan and East Asia in the Early 20th Century Nankai Journal 2010, June

The New Deal of the Democratic Party under the political funding scandal, Japan Development Report (2010), Social Sciences Archive 2010

Sino-Japanese Relations from Hostility to Strategic Mutual Benefit Nankai Journal 2009, 4

Japan and the Hua Yi Order Mutual Understanding of the Three Countries in Middle East and Asia in the Process of Modernization Tianjin People's Publishing House, 2009

Can the iron case of the Tokyo trial be reversed? Beijing Daily 2007/10/08

The Status Quo and Special Features of the Exchange and Cooperation between Key Universities in China and Japan Fudan Forum Education 2007/01/09

The Exchange and Cooperation of Key Universities between China and Japan in the Era of Internationalization Education Reform and Exchange in East Asia Tianjin People's Publishing House, 2006

Regarding the corporate reform of Japanese national universities Educational Reform and Exchange in East Asia Tianjin People's Publishing House, 2006

The National Governments Policy towards Japan and the Trial of BC Class War Criminals Possibility of the East Asian Community-Reconsideration of Japan-China Relations

Ochanomizu Study Room 2006

On the Tokyo Trial People's Daily 2005-9-19

On Several Issues of the Tokyo Trial Research on the History of the Communist Party of China 2005-5

The corporate reform of Japanese National University Japanese Studies Forum 2005-1

Re-discussion on Emperor Showas War Responsibilities and Tokyo Trial Research on Modern and Contemporary World History (1) 2004-5

The History and Status Quo of Sino-Japanese Relations Academic Symposium Summary Japanese Journal 2004-4

The Tokyo Trial and Japan's Countermeasures Japanese Journal 2004-1

The U.S. Policy toward Japan and the Tokyo Trial Nankai Journal 2003, April

Research on the Tokyo Trial Collection of Japanese Studies (2003) 2003

Nakasone Political Theory Globalization and East Asian Political and Administrative Reform Tianjin People's Publishing House 2003

Research on Keiichi Eguchi and Japan's Opium War against China Japanese Progressive Historian Keiichi Eguchi People's Publishing House 2002

Postwar China's Policy towards Japan and the Trial of War Criminals Nankai Journal 2001, 4

Comment on Yasaki Onuma's Thoughts from Tokyo Trial to Post-War Responsibility 21st Century (Hong Kong) 2001, 4

Tokyo Trial and China Research on the War of Resistance Against Japan 2001, 3

A Review of Japanese Educational Reforms Since the War Collection of Japanese Studies (6) 2001

Postwar China's Trial of Japanese War Criminals (Japanese) Research on War Responsibility (Japan) 2000, Winter

Transcentury Japanese Educational Reform Northeast Asian Journal 2000, 2

Basic Education Reform and Quality Education in Japan Journal of Tianjin Academy of Educational Sciences 2000, 1

How to cultivate survivability China Education News 1999, 1, 4

Japanese colonial rule in Shandong from 1914 to 1922 Research on the War of Resistance Against Japan 1998, January

Song Ziwen's Trip to the United States and Europe and Sino-Japanese Relations after the September 18th Incident Collection of Japanese Studies (2) 1998

The Development and Reform of Vocational Education in Japan China Education News 1997, July 14

A Review of The Goodwill between China and Japan in 1935 Collection of Japanese Studies (1) 1996

What is the Great East Asian Co-Prosperity Circle? Nankai Weekly, September 1995

The July 7th Incident and Japanese Diplomacy Nankai Journal 1995, 5

Japan War Responsibility Data Center and Research on War Responsibility and Research on Anti-Japanese War 1995, April

Facing history squarely and welcoming China-Japan friendship in the 21st century Modern Japan 1995, March

Huang Yu and Sino-Japanese Relations after the September 18th Incident Research on the History of Sino-Japanese Relations 1995, 2

Hirota Hiroki's Views on China and China Policy Japan Going International-International Academic Conference Proceedings, Tianjin People's Publishing House, 1995

China's Japan Policy Before and After Japan's Surrender (Japanese) History (Japan) 1993, December

Secret Record of Qing Dynasty Emperor Puyi's Activities in Tianjin (Translation) Historical Archives 1993, 1

The difficult course of normalization of Sino-Japanese relations New World (Japan) 1992, March

Jidong Japanese Puppet Regime (Translation) Archives Publishing House 1992

China's Currency Reform before the War and the Relationship between Britain and Japan Nankai History 1991, 2

Tianyu Statement and Japan's China Policy History Teaching 1990, May

The Zhongshan Ship incident in the archives of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs (translated) Party History Research Materials 1990, 3

A masterpiece that reproduces the Tokyo TrialA review of the translation of Tokyo Trial History Teaching 1989, 4

Controversy on the Responsibility of the Showa Emperor in the War Modern Japan 1989, 4

Emperor Hirohitos War Responsibilities and the Tokyo Trial Foreign Issues Studies 1989, 4

Viewing the National Governments Policy towards Japan from the Perspective of Declaring War on Breaking off Diplomatic Relations A Collection of Japan-US Issues 1989

The Study of Nanjing Incident in Japan (Translation) Research on Modern Chinese History Abroad 1989

The truth about Japanese militarism's development and use of chemical poisonous History Teaching 1987, June

The opium production base in Mengjiang, Japan Historical Knowledge 1987, April

Japans opium policy during the war of aggression against China Nankai Economic Research Institute Quarterly 1987, 2



Courses taught: History of Sino-Japanese Relations, Modern History of Japan. History Research Methodology