Peihong Zang
Title: Associate Professor, Graduate Tutor
Research direction: Japanese post-war history; contemporary Japanese education; modern Japanese education; Chinese and foreign comparative education
Affiliated Research Department: Japanese History and Cultural Research Department
Academic part-time job: Director of the Chinese Society of Japan and the Chinese Society of Japanese History
Research interests: Japanese post-war history, contemporary Japanese education, Japanese education history, and Chinese and foreign comparative education.
1999, graduated from the Faculty of History of Nankai University with a master degree in world history.
From 2001 to 2006, studied in the Japanese Research Institute of Nankai University While working.
June 2006, received a doctoral degree in history.
2. Research field or direction:
Research direction 1: Japanese history, Japanese post-war history
Research direction 2: Contemporary Japanese education, modern Japanese education
Research direction 3: Chinese and foreign comparative education
The main research achievements
(1) Monograph
1. The History of Modern Education in Japan, World Knowledge Publishing House, 2010.
2. Introduction part of A Brief Introduction to Civilization, Tianjin People's Publishing House, 2010.
(2) Chief Editor
1. Editor-in-chief Mi Qingyu, Song Zhiyong, Zang Peihong: International Relations and East Asian Security, Tianjin People's Publishing House, 2000.
(3) Thesis
1. Education of 戦前の教育に対するKnowledge of the Early Occupation Period, Kokugakuin University Minutes Vol. 44, February 2006
2. The Issue of Post-War Japanese History Textbooks, Japanese Journal, Issue 5, 2005 (Reproduced in full text from Renmin University of China International Politics, Issue 12, 2005)
3. Education in the Last Period of the Shogunate in Japan and Its Modern Factors, published in Research on Modern and Contemporary World History Series 1, China Social Science Press, May 2004
4. The School System and the Start-up of Modern Japanese Education System, Northeast Asian Journal, Issue 2, 2004
5. The Beginning and End of Japanese Occupation of the Diaoyu Islands, Collection of Japanese Studies, Tianjin People's Publishing House, 2004
6. The Strategic Positioning of Informatization Education in Several Countries, China Information Herald 2003, Issue 7
7. A Tentative Discussion on Japan's Informatization Educational Nation, Modern Japan, Issue 4, 2003
8. Japan's East Asian Strategy in the Meiji Era, Collection of Japanese Studies, Tianjin People's Publishing House, May 2002
9. Post-war Japan-Taiwan Economic Relations, published in East Asia Regional Economic Cooperation: China and Japan edited by Wang Zhensuo and Li Gangzhe, Tianjin People's Publishing House, April 2002
10. Modern Japan's Punishment by Chichi-Lu and Property Granted by Gentlemen (cooperation), Nankai Journal, Issue 5, 2001
11. Japan-Taiwan Relations in the Sato Period, Japanese Studies, Issue 4, 2001
12. Analysis of Japan's Taiwan Policy after the War, East Asia Regional Awareness and Peaceful Development (Proceedings of International Conferences), 4
Sichuan University Press, 2001
13. A Preliminary Discussion on the Japan-Taiwan Treaty after the War, Journal of Binzhou Education College 2000 No. 1
14. Japan's Compensation Diplomacy in Southeast Asia, A Century of Japanese Diplomacy, China Social Sciences Press 1998
(3) Newspaper articles
1. Informatization Education Development Strategies in Some Countries, China Education News, June 25, 2003
2. Rebellious Scholars Leading Japan to Leave Asia and Enter Europe, Global Times, July 28, 2006
Current research topics and previous topics
1. Projects planned by the Ministry of Education in 2010: The Crux of Historical Reconciliation-Japanese Textbook Issues in Modern Times.
2. The Japanese Research Institute of Nankai University, one of the Research Series on Modern Japanese History (funded by the Japan International Exchange Fund) The History of Modern Japanese Education.
3. Research project of Nankai University Asian Studies Center Japanese History Textbook Problem.
Courses taught: General History of Japan (Post-War History of Japan), Methodology of Japanese History, Professional Japanese