NuoZhou Ding
Title: Lecturer,
Research direction: Japanese social history
EMAIL: xuanyuannuozhou
Name: Ding Nuozhou
Date of Birth: August 1987
Degree: Doctor of History
From September 2006 to June 2010, studying world history at the Faculty of History of Nankai University and received a bachelor's degree.
From September 2010 to June 2013, studying world history at the Faculty of History of Nankai University and received a master's degree.
From April 2013 to March 2015, the first half of the doctoral course of the Graduate School of Western History, Kyoto University, Japan.
From September 2015 to June 2018, studying world history in the Japan Research Institute of Nankai University and received doctorate degree.
From April 2017 to March 2018, studying at the Graduate School of History, Sophia University, Japan.
The main research results
1. The All-round Educational Concept from Shaping Personality to Boosting the Economy: The History and Current Situation of the Concept of Food Education in Japan Foreign Elementary and Secondary Education 2016.9
2. Instillation of the Identity of the Samurai Class in the Edo Period: From Ritual to Education, Research on Japanese Issues 2016.10
3. Re-examination and Evaluation of the Social Functions of Japanese Public Halls, Research on Japanese Issues 2017.2
4. The History, Status Quo and Enlightenment of Japan's Bicycle Sharing Journal of Chang'an University 2017.5
5. Military-Science Collaboration and New Trends in Japanese Defense Technology Research Chinese Social Science Internal Manuscripts June 2017
6. The Dilemma and Outlet of Japanese Positivism History: The Challenge of Folk History Researchers and the Re-examination of the Responsibilities of Historians, History Monthly 2017.10
7. Study on the Mercenary Activities of the Kii Region in the Age of the Kingdom East Asia Cultural Studies, December 2016
8. The Status Quo and Case Analysis of Japanese Public Halls Northeast Asian Journal 2017.9